
Hi I am Winter, a young Ragdoll cat. I was born 12/12/12. I live in Louisiana with my mom (Sarah)Ā , her roommates and my fursiblings. I am the youngest of the group. First there is my cat sisters Luna, who is my best friend, and Elizabeth. Then I have some doggie siblings Jasper and Arabelle. I am sure I will talk about them from time to time. I look forward to meeting you all.

  1. Hi Winter and mommy, Gizmo and I are so excited and happy you have your own blog. What a wonderful story about how mommy got you, and what sweet baby pictures, you’re so adorable! Can’t wait to read more about you and your family. Love Ya’s Bunches!


    • Thank you! šŸ˜€ Dezi talked me into a blog. I told her I wasn’t interesting enough, but she twisted my paw. MOL. I have had fun setting it up and I think it could be fun to tell some stories and keep sharing photos. ā¤ Luv ya!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. See Winter meez told yous so. šŸ™‚ Meez knew ’bout yous kitty sibs but meez didn’t know yous had doggy sibs tu.

    Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses ā™„ā™„ā™„



    • Hehe I didn’t post about them much on SMC because some kitties were less than receptive to doggies. Not all of course but some. They rather hear of kitties.


      • Meez unnewstand. Meez of couwse always likes tu heaw ’bout da kittys, but wees always wanted tu heaw ’bout yous fuwmily. Fuw us SMC wus posed tu be ’bout us, not facebook. It wus posed tu be fotos of us and ow fuwmilys not gwumpy cat and all da uddew kittys. And in da beginnin’ it wus, wees just didn’t membew yous shawin’ dem. Meez can’t wait tu heaw mowe ’bout yous and yous fuwmily…all of dem. šŸ™‚

        Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses ā™„ā™„ā™„



      • Yeah it was waaayyy back in the beginning. I am not sure we were friends yet. Luv ya!


      • Meez finks wees wus, but wees fawt wees made yous mad at us back den when mommy wus talkin’ ’bout meez and all Ragdolls skweeky meows and how deys can sumtimes be annoying. Wees didn’t mean tu upset anypawdy cuz mommy luvs meez and meez skweek, but evew once in a while hers wishes meez meowed. Altho’ meez dus now. Sumtimes, and meez big meow scawes mommy outta hers undies. MOL It’s dat kinda meow.

        Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses ā™„ā™„ā™„



      • Oh no darling you never made us mad! I am sorry you thought that. Mom loves the sound of my meow. You just call it a squeak. It kinda is but Mom said it is cute and that it is rarely annoying. Now my sisfur Arabelle has a high pitch bark and my Mom says she wishes she could take her voice out. MOL it splits the ears! Luv ya!


      • OMC weally?? But she looks like a big doggy. and big doggy usually hav big bawks. Da heel nipper nex door skweeches so dat wees wish wees kuld hush hims up, but all heel nippews du dat. At least wees didn’t make yous mad. Whew!!! šŸ˜€
        And meez dus skweek. Mommy made a video of meeez talkin’ and put it on faacebook and evewpawdy sed meez skeeks. Deys all laffed and sed deys nevew wulda fawt dat’s what meez sounded like. MOL

        Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses ā™„ā™„ā™„



    • No sweetie we weren’t upset. It was just our first venture into social media. Mom had Facebook that she rarely used so she didn’t know how to help me socialise so we both had to learn from scratch. We actually thought you might not like us but were too nice to say anything! MOL talk about misunderstanding. All that matters to me is you are my friends now. And yes very high pitched. She is about 50lbs. Jasper is 100lbs. I am sure you squeak dear. I may do it too cuz mom said she never had a cat sound like me but she thinks it beautiful. Luv ya!


      • OMC Mommy sez so much gets lost in da twanslation of da typin’ on da ‘putews and misunnewstandins hapun so easy cuz of it. Cuz wees always luvved yous. Mommy has waised so many kittys hoo didn’t hav mommy’s dat hers vewy familiar wiff da ‘baby mew’, and hers sez dat so faw evew Doll ownew hers talked tu all say dat no mattew how old dey get da Dolls stil have dat mew. And mommy calls it a skweek, cuz it’s not a full m-e-o-w. MOL

        Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses ā™„ā™„ā™„



      • Meez fuwgot, Happy Muddews day tu yous mommy fwum Lexi, meez and meez mommy. šŸ˜€

        Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses ā™„ā™„ā™„



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