Blog Archives

Happy independence day!

It is independence day here in America.  Even if you don’t celebrate I hope you have a wonderful in whatever country you are in! 😆 Unfortunately Mom isn’t free today and has to work. It will be a madhouse! 😮 Well Mom made us some patriotic photos

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We are having a huge celebration over at Cat Scouts. Come on over and join us! If you aren’t a member you should join it is lots of fun.


Cat Scouts

Luv Winter.

Missed you guys!



Hi everyone!  I missed you guys! Mom got a new smartphone on a payment plan. We didn’t mean to make anyone feel bad. We weren’t asking for help, we know things can be tough. We just didn’t want to dissappear.  We will try to jump back in though we probably won’t catch up.



Mom took some photos with her new phone. I didn’t exactly cooperate with her. I wasn’t in the mood for a photo shoot. Hehe I was more interested in the chirping Blue Jays.




Ok guys Mom’s phone finally bit the dust. As I have said that was how we communicated with you guys. Mom doesn’t have a computer or laptop and borrows one from her roommates when she can so I will be about sporadically when I can. I probably wont be posting on the blog much if at all because I wont be able to share pictures cuz Mom’s phone was everything her camera and storage so that is where they all are and what she would have used to take updated photos. Mom does have insureance but it will still cost her over $200 to replace her smartphone and she just doesn’t have it. When she figures out how to get the money and pay for it we will be back. I will try and visit you all whenever Mom gets a chance to appropriate the friends’ lap top.


Lots of Luv,



Hi All!

Hi All!

Hello everyone. I am sorry I am falling behind…again. My main source of communication with you is Mom’s smart phone and it is on the fritz. So we grab the friend’s laptop when we can. Anyway, Clastia Jo’s party was a success and I got a photo momento from her. It is a Hello Kitty souvenir picture with me. How awesome right!

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Also, big news on the Cat Scouts front, I am a few days behind, we had another purrmotion ceremony. We had a few members move up in rank. Some are even your bloggie friends who I am sure let you know they did as this is an exciting thing.

And Finally, SMC is still not up so I wanted to send out love and purrs to all my friends there. I especially miss my darling baby Sweetie. I love you honey. Mom has been keeping up with your mom so I did get a few nice pictures to see of you!
Lots of love to my Sweetie

Lots of love to my Sweetie

International Blog Boxing day

Hi all! *paw waves* I know I have been a bit gone recently. Mom has been working and tired so that has made it hard for me to get her to type for me. You know the floofy paws and all aren’t conductive to typing. Anyway I am here for Boxing day. I love boxes of all sorts, I am a cat so of course I LOVE boxes. What kitty doesn’t? Not even just the cardboard kind either so here are my box photos:

I have been great the sun looks like it is trying to come out. We have had lots of rain. Not my favorite weather as I can’t go outside like I want to. bummer! But the sunpuddles seem to be coming back. Awesome! I am not all sure what is going on so I will try to catch up or get to a point that I can anyway.

Mom has had a BAD day and wishes to vent so I am allowing her to do so here. If you don’t want to listen to her venting you can stop HERE. We won’t be mad promise!
First the meanie mayor came into her work, he is always so rude to her and has that I am better than everyone attitude. Mom dislikes it very much. He lied and said he had to wait for them a long time when it was less than a minute, mom checked her cameras at work. Then he got snippy about mom and her coworker very rude. Then Moms DM came in wanting her to transfer locations WTC like she wants to work at that location and it is further from home. Then all he does is complain about everything that is wrong and can’t possibly interject a nice remark in all that negativity. Oh yeah and to top it off, which mom feels HORRIBLE about this, her friend sent Mom to the store in her friend’s car. Well when mom got to park she hit the cement thing and scratched the front of the car. She said she isn’t even sure what happened she had pressed the break down but her foot must have slipped or something, it happened so fast, cuz she said it started stopping then all of a sudden didn’t?! Mom is so upset over this her friend hasn’t come back home and she doesn’t know how to tell her. Mom is upset and scared. Ok that is it. If you read through the whining with Mom thank you. We promise not to do it often.

Lots of Love and enjoy your boxing day,

Friday the thirteenth

Mighty panther Luna

Mighty panther Luna

Happy Friday the the thirteenth from resident black cat Luna! May many black kitties cross your path!

Today is also My Three Moggies and Sammy’s show your paws day!


Show Your Paw Day

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In other news Dezi’s Mom is about the same but the medicine is helping as I am sure your prayers and good karma are so please keep that up.

Luv ya,

Play time!

Well mom went shopping today and picked me up my treats.Cuz she knows what will happen if I run out of treats While there she picked me up a new wand toy. It was cheap but I tear through those feathers like crazy! I was happy to play with it. Mom is in my favor right now! hehe Also the sun puddles have come back, so I am a happy kitty!

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While I was enjoying my exercise with my new toy. Luna was enjoying an easy Sunday! She was napping on back of Mom’s recliner.

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Also I want to say, please keep Dezi and Lexi’s Mom in your prayers and hearts. We haven’t had any news on her. She needs your well wishes. Thank you.

Pictures belong to Dezi, Lexi, and Audra High

Pictures belong to Dezi, Lexi, and Audra High

Throwback Thursday!!



Meow! Throwback Thursday! Ok so I know I am only a bit over a year, but I will do a throwback anyway hehe! That was me in a water box as a tiny kitteh! You all should know I LOVE my water boxes! I even had a ‘problem’ at a young age. *sigh* there is just no help for me! 😛

The water box addiction continues!

The water box addiction continues!

I also have a video! Oh Mom said I was so teny tiny!

Disclaimer: No Winter was harmed in the making of this video hehe. I just had a little tumble. get up and shake it off!

Oh and also I got a lovely picture made from my friend at SMC, Storm. It is beautiful, thank you so much!

Gift made by Storm of me and my darlin'

Gift made by Storm of me and my darlin’

Luv Ya!

Shopping around the world


I stole Mom's shopping bag

Well I did something a bit….unusual last night. At least it was for me. I woke mom up kneading her (mot the unusual part) see I have this weird thing (Mom said it is weird) where when I knead with my front paws I can’t keep my back paws still. They go up and down and I shuffle about on Mom. She says it is endearing. Anyway Mom decided since she had to work early and didn’t sleep well the night before, that she would fall asleep in the middle of my menstruations. Rude right? Well I let her know it was not appreciated by digging my claws into her arm. She got the message and woke up again. While she still didn’t why I had woken her up to begin with. She started petting me. I enjoyed that very much but it didn’t fill my belly. Mom then realised I was there for more than lovin’. I wanted noms! So she went to get up and I latched onto her like a little spider monkey!  (No claws though) Mom thought it was so funny that I was hooked to her arm and then I got my noms! Hehe my plan worked out well!!

Ok I also want to send out a huge birthday wish to Dezi and Lexi’s Mom. I apologise for being late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY to a wonderful kitty Mom



Finally I joined in to do Bacon and Fozzie‘s Shopping Around the World:

Price of internet for one month: $45.00
Pint of Ben and Jerry’s: $5.25
Six pack of Coke: $2.50
Coffee: Community Coffee 1lb $6.35
Standard size Snickers bar: $0.85
Grooming session: Mom grooms me so I don’t have this one,  sorry

I live in Louisiana and food tax is $0.04 and non-food and service is $0.08 😀

Luv ya! Winter

Quality Time

Well Mom’s Staycation is coming to a close. It was a wonderful week. We spent lots of time together and lots of outside time. I enjoy outside with Mom as I mentioned. We got to enjoy each other’s company. That also means a lot of photos! Mom and her pictures! hehe I hope you enjoy the slideshow!

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We spent a lot of time outside. I naturally looked for shaded spots. It can get warm in Louisiana with all my fur! Mom kept a close eye on me too. Now I am worn out from the week and if you can see. I am exhausted and sleeping. I know Friday is a good day for most, but we have been dreading it since it marked the end of Mom being home with me every day! Well I guess things are going to be heading back to normal.

The Cat Scouts are having their Indy 500 celebration at the tabbt cat club because Cat Scouts site is having technical difficulties. Also over at the cat blogosphere they posted about the . Mom sent them an email. I hope they get it and that I get included in the calendar. that would be an awesomely cool honor. 😀

Luv ya,

The Girl Who Games

living for the next update

Jeanne Owens, author

Blog about author Jeanne Owens and her writing

Sand Spring Chesapeakes

5 Chesapeakes, 4 Furangel's AND Bones the kitty.

BellaDharma & BellaSita'ss PURRFECT PAD


Sticky and Co.

A Doll's life

Sushi's Diary

A Doll's life

The Cat On My Head

A Doll's life

Sticky and Co.

A Doll's life

Cat Blogosphere

We cats are taking over the innernets!


Adventures of Bacon and Friends


The blog that prevents long as you eat orange slices while you read it.


By Beverly J. Harvey -- This site is all about CATS!


Adventures of a Maremma dog

Underneath The Shell

The life of 4 turtles, but only 1 is still alive now

Midnight Calico Farm

One Family's Journey into Farm Life

Sunlit Days of Happiness

Lady and the Puppy

BHIB Equestrian

Photo-journalism from around the equestrian world