Another rainy day


Watching it rain

It seems we are getting our fair share of rain lately.  Personally I don’t enjoy it. I hate getting we! Then I can’t enjoy my afternoon outside!  Humph! I look forward to those times. Very relaxing for me.

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See we got quite the downpour!  Well on a bright note, Mom is taking her second of three vacations next week! Awesom!  I go out even more when Mom is vacationing!  She might go fishing so will share pictures for sure. Fishing sounds like lots of fun, but I am not invited apparently. Well maybe she will bring me something cool home to play with!
Mom snapped this photo of me! Enjoy! Hehe! 😸😄



Nightly Noms


Ignore the socks hehe I like to steal them

Hi guys! Mom was picking up her laundry and Luna and I decided it is time for our nightly treat! Ohh don’t you know we have that human trained! Nightly treats before bed every night!

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Mom got new cases for her new phone. They are super cute but unfortunately offer her phone no protection so she is going to have to get another kind. But I wanted to share them with y’all!


Aren't they cute?!


Oh and before I forget again, our Cat Scouts fourth of July float for Wally’s Warriors! Timmy Tomcat Timmy Tomcat and Einstein took the lead on this. Their idea was wonderful!


Thanks Timmy and Einstein for the extra work! You did us proud!

Luv ya,

Easy Sunday


Hi all! We are taking it easy today as you can see. Hehe! Mom’s allergies are kicking in again! So she is tired but we are working on making our rounds. Mom started on Facebook. We don’t comment as much there as on blogs so it is easier to get out of the way.


Luna is taking it easy today too! US kitties have the right idea Mom said! She said she should join us! Silly humans take life too seriously!


We have an update on the baby fishies!  For those of you who don’t know, Mom ended up with a mated pair of Red Jewel Chichlid. The female ended up spawning.


See how tiny the babies were?!

Mom was less than thrilled because she has zero knowledge on raising baby fish. There were tons. Well over time only the strongest have survived.  If it was due to nature or Mom’s inexperienc we don’t know for sure but we are sure it is a bit of both. Well, anyway,  you can see that the little dots are starting to look like fish!


See they look like tiny fish instead of dots

OK Mom is a bit disappointed because the female may be pregnant again.  Mom didn’t want any more but didn’t have enough tanks to separate them. Just in case someone wants to fuss, Mom did not want a mated pair but she took those fish because she didn’t want them to die.


On a final note I want to leave you with some images of my beautiful windblown baby Sweetie.  He looks so handsome!

Happy independence day!

It is independence day here in America.  Even if you don’t celebrate I hope you have a wonderful in whatever country you are in! 😆 Unfortunately Mom isn’t free today and has to work. It will be a madhouse! 😮 Well Mom made us some patriotic photos

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We are having a huge celebration over at Cat Scouts. Come on over and join us! If you aren’t a member you should join it is lots of fun.


Cat Scouts

Luv Winter.

Missed you guys!



Hi everyone!  I missed you guys! Mom got a new smartphone on a payment plan. We didn’t mean to make anyone feel bad. We weren’t asking for help, we know things can be tough. We just didn’t want to dissappear.  We will try to jump back in though we probably won’t catch up.



Mom took some photos with her new phone. I didn’t exactly cooperate with her. I wasn’t in the mood for a photo shoot. Hehe I was more interested in the chirping Blue Jays.




Ok guys Mom’s phone finally bit the dust. As I have said that was how we communicated with you guys. Mom doesn’t have a computer or laptop and borrows one from her roommates when she can so I will be about sporadically when I can. I probably wont be posting on the blog much if at all because I wont be able to share pictures cuz Mom’s phone was everything her camera and storage so that is where they all are and what she would have used to take updated photos. Mom does have insureance but it will still cost her over $200 to replace her smartphone and she just doesn’t have it. When she figures out how to get the money and pay for it we will be back. I will try and visit you all whenever Mom gets a chance to appropriate the friends’ lap top.


Lots of Luv,



Look I am not laying down!

Look I am not laying down!

Hi Guys! It is stormy rainy here! Well I got to go outside for a bit before all this though!

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Here we hate summer time. (yeah I hear the boos!) It is hot and all this fur doesn’t mesh with the heat. I am in Louisiana so it gets humid too! Then it is allergy season! It is hitting mom hard. Which is why I have been a little absent. It makes mom really tired and get a headache. Not conductive to visiting or looking at a computer screen. Plus Mom’s phone is still wonky (how I keep in contact) and she has to nab the computer when she can. Anyway, we are slowly visiting again and Mom is off tomorrow so yay!
In other news, Show Me Cats, is down. It is where my kitty socializing started. I have my blog and cat scouts but I will miss all the friends and such. Especially those Mom doesn’t have on Facebook. It is also where I met my darling Sweetie. It gives me more time here and at Scouts, but I will still miss it. Anyway guys not to be a downer, so I will leave you with a picture of my darling. Such a handsome sight.
My Handsome Prince

My Handsome Prince


Hi All!

Hi All!

Hello everyone. I am sorry I am falling behind…again. My main source of communication with you is Mom’s smart phone and it is on the fritz. So we grab the friend’s laptop when we can. Anyway, Clastia Jo’s party was a success and I got a photo momento from her. It is a Hello Kitty souvenir picture with me. How awesome right!

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Also, big news on the Cat Scouts front, I am a few days behind, we had another purrmotion ceremony. We had a few members move up in rank. Some are even your bloggie friends who I am sure let you know they did as this is an exciting thing.

And Finally, SMC is still not up so I wanted to send out love and purrs to all my friends there. I especially miss my darling baby Sweetie. I love you honey. Mom has been keeping up with your mom so I did get a few nice pictures to see of you!
Lots of love to my Sweetie

Lots of love to my Sweetie

Cubby Chaos

Ok I don’t know if I mentioned Luna LOVES being in Mom’s closet. Mom had given up on it and basically turned it over to Luna. The floor at least. She still has her cloths and the top to use hehe. We run her life ya know. Anyway Luna had made a nest down there and Mom just let her be since it made her so happy.


See how messy she made it!

Well we have had leaking in the bathroom tub faucet. Luna loved it because she could play with the leak and I enjoyed it a bit myself. The humans felt it needed fixing though. Well to get to the back of the tub plumbing you have to go through Luna’s closet. Ya know what that meant? Oh yeah tearing up Luna’s nest poor dear was traumatized.

Poor Luna is so upset with the turn of events.

Poor Luna is so upset with the turn of events.

Well they got the leaky faucet replaced all through the process Luna didn’t know what to do with herself. Mom tried to comfort her but you know how it is right? Anyway Mom fixed the closet back but Luna isn’t happy with it. It is too neat! She wanted her nest back. I am sure she will fix it in a matter of time.

Mom added the plush blankets Luna loves but it is neat and not nestie

Mom added the plush blankets Luna loves but it is neat and not nestie

How does Luna feel about this? You wanted to see how she felt? Well here it is:

Uh...What is that supposed to be. Not MY nest surely

Uh…What is that supposed to be. Not MY nest surely

In other news Mom made Arabelle a new collar since she broke hers. Doggies can be quite ruff sometimes. hehe Mom made it out of paracord with love.

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Cleaning and napping

Hi guys! I have slowly been getting around to visiting y’all. Mom is off today but has housework to do. Bummer for her right. Me I am spending most of the time napping unless my snoopervision is required of course. You know those human can’t seem to manage to do anything right. hehe Mom is doing an awful lot of laundry today! That huge machine keeps a whirling on. Good news is, that the reason she is doing a lot of laundry is cuz she is doing ALL the bedding. Oh yeah! I had to get in on that right?! What respectable kitty wouldn’t? I think it is kitty law we must help with the bed making process. Luna got in on it too!

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Mom is baking a red velvet cake! Mmmmm it smells yummy. They have a friend and his daughter down from Texas and his birthday is tomorrow so they are going to surprise him with a cake. Everyone else is out fishing but Mom. She doesn’t have her license to go so stayed and did house work.

In Mom news: She said thank you to all of your kind support. Y’all helped her smile when she was down. No she doesn’t have to transfer! She just has to train the lady who is going to take that position. Her friend was upset when Mom told her about the accident and kinda lost it a little bit, but no more than expected. Mom would have probably had words too so she can’t hold that against her. But in the end it was all ok. She let it go and knows it was an accident. Mom, though, is keeping away from her car for now. She still feels guilty and has her truck back so that helps. (the friend had the truck) As for the Mayor he is just a chauvinistic jerk mom luckily doesn’t have to deal with on a regular basis. She really appreciates all your nice words. Thank you


Last but certainly not least Calista Jo The cat on my head (my link won’t work 😦  ) from  is celebrating her birthday! It is a super cute Hello Kitty theme planned by her brother and cat scout Mauricio. If you haven’t (although I think many of my friends have) pop by and wish her a happy birthday!

Happy Birthday Calista Jo! I attended her party badge

Happy Birthday Calista Jo! I attended her party badge

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